It is the policy of Capri Cosmetology Learning Centers to grant credit for hours spent in previous training in other schools. All students with previous training will be given a practical evaluation based on the subject matter from their transcripts. Students will be graded on specific tasks. Based 100 points, the total number of tasks evaluated determines the value of those tasks. The number of tasks completed successfully will determine the grade of the practical exam. Hours granted will be given on a sliding scale as follows: Students scoring below 70% Capri will grant no previous hours, 70-79% Capri will grant 50% of their previous hours, 80-89% Capri will grant 75% of their previous hours, 90-100% Capri will grant 100% of their previous hours.
Capri pro-rates tuition based on a $14.00 per hour charge for our Cosmetology program, $14.00 per hour for our Esthetics program, and $8.80 for our Nail Specialty program. Kits from previous schools are accepted but must meet the minimum requirements for our kits prior to the first day of school.
Transfer Students
With regard to Satisfactory Academic Progress, a student’s transfer hours will be counted as both attempted and earned hours for the purpose of determining when the allowable maximum time frame has been exhausted. Students transferring from another school with completed hours accepted by our school will be given an expected graduation date. This date is based on 100% attendance. The student will be informed of the maximum time frame they have to complete the program. The Satisfactory Progress evaluations for these students will be adjusted to assure the first evaluation will be conducted by the midpoint of their contracted time here at our school.
Please note that transfer hours from other institutions will affect a student’s pace. Each transfer student will be evaluated based on his/her individual program. Course incompletes, repetitions and non-credit remedial courses do not apply to our school. Therefore, they have no effect upon the institutions SAP standards.